Trait fdb_rl::cursor::cursor::Cursor

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pub trait Cursor<T>: Sealedwhere
    T: Send,{
    // Required method
    fn next(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = CursorResult<T>> + Send;

    // Provided methods
    fn collect(self) -> impl Future<Output = (Vec<T>, CursorError)> + Send
       where Self: Sized + Send { ... }
    fn filter<F, Fut>(
        f: F
    ) -> impl Future<Output = CursorFilter<T, Self, F>> + Send
       where Self: Sized + Send,
             F: FnMut(&T) -> Fut + Send,
             Fut: Future<Output = bool> { ... }
    fn map<U, F, Fut>(
        f: F
    ) -> impl Future<Output = CursorMap<T, Self, F>> + Send
       where U: Send,
             Self: Sized + Send,
             F: FnMut(T) -> Fut + Send,
             Fut: Future<Output = U> { ... }
Expand description

An asynchronous iterator that supports Continuation.

A continuation is an opaque token that represents the position of the cursor. A continuation can be at the begin marker which is the position before any items are returned. It can be somewhere in the middle or it can be at the end marker position. End marker would be the position after all the items are returned.

When a Cursor::next stops producing values and assuming there was no FdbError, then the reason for not producing the values is reported using NoNextReason. This is returned as part of CursorResult.

No next reasons are fundamentally distinguished between those that are due to the data itself (in-band) and those that are due to the environment / context (out-of-band). For example, running out of data or having returned the maximum number of values requested are in-band, while reaching a limit on the number of key-value pairs scanned by the transaction or the time that a transaction has been open are out-of-band.

Required Methods§


fn next(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = CursorResult<T>> + Send

Asynchronously return the next result from this cursor.

Provided Methods§


fn collect(self) -> impl Future<Output = (Vec<T>, CursorError)> + Sendwhere Self: Sized + Send,

Drain the cursor pushing all emitted values into a collection.


fn filter<F, Fut>( self, f: F ) -> impl Future<Output = CursorFilter<T, Self, F>> + Sendwhere Self: Sized + Send, F: FnMut(&T) -> Fut + Send, Fut: Future<Output = bool>,

Filters the values produced by this cursor according to the provided predicate.


Unlike a general iterator, the computation that you can do inside the async closure is limited. Specifically the closure FnMut(&T) -> impl Future<Output = bool> does not provide a mechanism to return an error that might possibly occur within the closure.

If you need this feature, you will need to build the loop yourself and handle the issue of how and which continuation to return that would be useful to the caller.

Also, since Cursor is a sealed class, this method is primarily meant for types defined in this crate.


fn map<U, F, Fut>( self, f: F ) -> impl Future<Output = CursorMap<T, Self, F>> + Sendwhere U: Send, Self: Sized + Send, F: FnMut(T) -> Fut + Send, Fut: Future<Output = U>,

Map this cursor’s items to a different type, returning a new cursor of the resulting type.


Unlike a general iterator, the computation that you can do inside the async closure is limited. Specifically the closure FnMut(T) -> impl Future<Output = U> does not provide a mechanism to return an error that might possibly occur within the closure.

If you need this feature, you will need to build the loop yourself and handle the issue of how and which continuation to return that would be useful to the caller.

Also, since Cursor is a sealed class, this method is primarily meant for types defined in this crate.



impl Cursor<KeyValue> for KeyValueCursor


impl Cursor<RawRecord> for RawRecordCursor


impl<T, C, F, Fut> Cursor<T> for CursorFilter<T, C, F>where T: Send, C: Cursor<T> + Send, F: FnMut(&T) -> Fut + Send, Fut: Future<Output = bool> + Send,


impl<U, T, C, F, Fut> Cursor<U> for CursorMap<T, C, F>where U: Send, T: Send, C: Cursor<T> + Send, F: FnMut(T) -> Fut + Send, Fut: Future<Output = U> + Send,